THIS GUY IS A SURFING LEGEND and I feel pretty humbled for him to have replied to my e-mail request himself to link up. I came across his sight while looking for links and found OC Register where he now writes for them. The article was about surfing nighmares on surf trips. I told him about my blog, what I'm intending to do and his reply was a simple "good luck on your sight...sure we can link." In a nutshell, this guy is g-o-d in the surfworld!
I hope having his link gives some credibility to my blog and what I'm doing. Rememeber, if your surfing, tried it, still doing it, or want to try it again...leave your comments. As long as everyone stays cool on their posts and the spamming doesn't start, anyone can post.
This just made my day! I was pretty frustrated with this last night because I had been sending request after request and no one answered. This dude just made up for all of that!
Go check out his sight and learn about him and some of his history. He's definitely a worth it!
Thanks Corky!
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