I actually got a guy from wannasurfer.com to touch base, so that was pretty cool. Just waiting to hear back from him. The link will be in my links section if anyone wants to check out the sight. Its for all levels but a lot of established surfers are on it as well. Right now I'm still cruising around surf sights and blogs trying to get people to connect. The east coast is going through winter right now, so I doubt there is a lot of chatter right now.
I'm not getting very much traffic right now, but what are you going to do except keep plugging away...
Right now I'm getting kind of frustrated with the sight. A lot of my fellow students are blazing by me on their blogs. Video clips, art, links, etc. Sometimes it sucks being older. You feel like you can't keep up with the younger crowd.
eh...more on Sunday. Tomorrow I'm going to work on all the stuff we've been doing in lab and maybe take a break with marketing for a day. I'm going to go work around the house and get some firewood for tonight. It's freaking cold here.
More later and remember, SEND SURF PICTURES AND VIDEO CLIPS.
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