Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Surf Nightmares is humbled and EXTREMELY PROUD to have been personally contacted by Howard Swanwick, Editor "Drift Magazine" in an extremely important and exciting announcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surf Nightmares is STOKED to announce that has gone live with their FIRST PRINT of "DRIFT MAGAZINE"! Not only is the web-sight informative, easy to use, appealing to the eye, and just fun to hit, but now we can get a TANGIBLE copy right in our hands! Take a copy to the office, put it in your car, or leave it in the waiting room just to remind us what we love SURFING! So goto the web-sight, goto a news stand, or just go somewhere and get your copy of "Drift Magazine!" The UK surfs too ya' know!

Everyone take care of yourselves, surf hard, stay safe, and remember to send submissions and post on "Surf Nightmares." We're GROWING AND WANT TO HERE FROM YOU!!!!!

Later everyone :-)~~~
